The Crossings at 4th and Preston is brwarchitect’s sustainable urban model for a Single Resident Occupany (SRO) housing project and the first of its kind in the City of Charlottesville. The facility provides housing for sixty formerly-homeless residents and a full time manager while providing support services and community gathering spaces for residents and guests. The Crossings is a quintessential urban building with a frontage on Fourth Street of over two hundred feet and a prominent visible presence on Preston Avenue. The project represents an important path in the re-densification and the advancement of a more sustainable city.
The project was awarded an Earth Craft Multi Family Housing Certification. The design employed a wide range of green building technologies including pervious paving, rainwater harvesting, solar domestic hot water, photovoltaic panels to provide 20% of the electrical demand, energy management systems, and the use of insulated structural roofing panels. EARTHCRAFT certifiers noted that this project was the most energy efficient facility ever approved through the program which would be the equivalent of a LEED Platinum level of certification.
2013 Sustainable Leadership Award, Earthcraft Virginia
2011 Annual Planning Award for Outstanding Sustainable Development, City of Charlottesville
2012 Honor Award for Design Excellence, AIA Central Virginia